My Goodness: My take on Vegan bowls of goodness.

I never really used to like stepping too far outside my comfort zone, but since starting university I have found that I have very little choice in the matter. Amongst meeting new people and trying different courses, one of the most exciting “new things” I have experienced is the food on the upper campus of […]

Wraps with Veggie Filling

Cooking for friends is always a bit of a complication. If you picked two university students at random, I am willing to place a bet that they won’t have the same eating habits. While a substantial proportion of the world’s population try to avoid gluten, there is another massive group who are vegetarian or vegan. […]

Warming Minestrone Soup

I think we can officially admit that it’s Winter. Cape Town took a while to get its act together this year, drawing out Summer for months after it should have ended. Winter made its entrance though, in the form in the “Storm of Cape Town”, which was hyped up so phenomenally, it had no choice […]

Hack the Snack When Hunger Attacks

“If it takes longer to throw together than 2-minute-noodles, I don’t want to try it.”  This is the response I received on asking a good friend with low kitchen-confidence, why she disliked cooking. I wanted to find out what stood between her and the world of food, besides the kitchen door. We discovered three main […]

Protests on campuses sparked by stale food

South African universities are serving low-quality food to its students, adding fuel to the fire of the Fees Must Fall Protests. Students across South Africa, particularly at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) in Pretoria are in uproar over the substandard quality of food served in the cafeteria. Prices of the food have also increased, […]